Can You Train a Border Collie To Speak?


Alright, so you want your Border Collie to speak? Well, scientifically it’s not possible but training can make them mimic what you train them to speak. Have you seen those YouTube videos in which a dog mimics crying baby? That is exactly what we are talking about. Training a Border Collie to speak initially may encourage them to bark excessively, but in long run it actually helps you to keep their barking under control. Training a BC to speak on your commands helps him learn when to bark and when to howl.

Training methods to teach your Border Collie to speak

Given below are two simple and easy methods you can use to train your dog to bark on command whenever you want them to. To start with, first method is relatively easier, however if your dog fails to pick up this method, then you can move on to next one.

First Method:

border collie speakingGet the best treat your dog love and crave for. It shouldn’t be a treat that your dog barely cares about, because it’s the temptation to eat their favorite treat that drives them to learn your commands. Therefore, make sure you find something that excites him and force him to do anything for it. Generally, dog biscuits or meat cubes will do the trick. So, you got the treat that he likes right? It’s time to lure and start teasing him with it.

Seeing his favorite treat will make him go crazy and excited about it, when he does that, start acting as if you are also excited. Make sure you keep the treat away from your Border Collie’s reach and where he can see it and then say “Speak” loudly so that he can hear it clearly. To make him more excited you can dangle the treat in front of him but don’t give him. You may find it being cruel, but don’t worry about that because you will give him the treat as he barks on your command.

At this point your dog is about to lose his patience for the treat. As they get impatient, every dog will start barking to express they desperately want the treat. As they lose their patience, you have to be patient with them and wait for the moment when they bark, till then keep repeating the command “speak”.

The moment your BC barks, immediately reward him with the treat and praise him to make him understand that he has followed the command correctly.

Consistent training is the key and make sure you practice this command at least 2-3 times a day until your Border Collie learns to bark when you say the “speak” command. Also make sure you don’t reward him the treat if he barks before you say the command, because that will make him think that he just need to bark to get the treat, therefore timing of giving his treat after successful command is very important.

Second Method

You’re reading this because first method obviously didn’t work, right? Well, let’s get on with second one in which you’ll trick him to bark for you.

Is there something that makes your Border Collie to bark? For example does he bark at ringing doorbell, noisy toys, or may be when you clap? Find something that makes him bark.

Now that you know his weakness, it’s time to use it to trick him into your commands. Use whatever makes your BC to bark – knock the door, clap or use his noisy toy and say “speak”.

As he barks on your command, immediately reward him his treat and cuddle him with praise. Keep repeating this training method until he start doing it right away on your commands. It will take time, but eventually he’ll learn it.